What is Go lang?
I think of it as the C language on steroids
Developed by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer at google in first appeared in 2009. The designers wanted to address criticisms of other languages at google, while keeping useful characteristics.
- Static Typing & Run time efficiency
- Readability and Useability
- High-performance networking and multiprocessing
Funny note: Its designers were primarily motivated by their shared dislike of C++.
Version 1.0 was released on March 2012.
What's awesome about go?
Propaganda incoming, brace for impact.

I've only been using golang for a few months, but I really have taken a liking to it.
- Stuff builds and compiles fast!
- It has a garbage collector
- Project structure is simple
- The Go Path is really cool
- It's not Javascript
- The Standard library is great
- Easy to learn syntax
How to get started.
Let's Go
Install Link Here
Add go binaries to your PATH, I put it into my .zsrhc so it's sourced on startup. export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH"
Start your first project with this little tutorial: Here!And that's it, you're ready to GO! Go really feels great for making small CLI apps, web applications and servers. I have the strong sense that it's going to just keep getting more and more popular due to the great decisions the designers made and how easy it is to get started with and learn, especially if you have some familiarity with one of the C families of languages.
Here's one last link to get you started, this is a great list of resources for some of the building blocks of golang. Go By Example.